Happy New Walmart Fiscal Year!
Best Practices for Walmart Suppliers Welcome to the new year! We wish you success and prosperity in 2025! With the new year, you as a Walmart supplier will see exciting new opportunities. When...
READ MOREResources, articles, and podcasts that focus on the needs and interests of suppliers working with Walmart or aspiring to do so.
Best Practices for Walmart Suppliers Welcome to the new year! We wish you success and prosperity in 2025! With the new year, you as a Walmart supplier will see exciting new opportunities. When...
READ MOREWalmart is always on the lookout for innovative products that are made, grown, or assembled in the United States. Open Call has provided thousands of small and medium-sized businesses the chance to...
READ MOREWhether you are a new Walmart supplier or beginning your business on Walmart Marketplace, just getting set up can be overwhelming. Among the details of item descriptions, images, and shipping...
READ MOREWhat Is Advanced Shipping Notice? Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is a document prepared by a supplier (the shipper) and submitted to a retailer (the receiver) that specifies the shipping dates and...
READ MOREWhat Is Retail Link®? Retail Link® is a reporting software developed by Walmart that gives Walmart suppliers access to point of sale data, documentation, reports, store information, Walmart...
READ MORESuppliers sometimes ask “how many customers does Walmart have per day?” Walmart tracks the total number of visitors to its stores, but the information is not available in Retail Link. The...
READ MOREOn July 18, Walmart announced it had selected five merchandising service providers to conduct all in-store merchandising for all suppliers (except those sending their own staffs into the stores). The...
READ MOREIn an EDLC, EDLP model, there’s absolutely no room for hidden fees and excess costs. That’s why Stephen M. R. Covey’s analogy in his best-selling book, Speed of Trust, resonates...
READ MOREIt’s Monday morning — so how is your Walmart business doing? A Monday Morning Report lets you answer that question with confidence. But if your Monday morning report is an Excel file with...
READ MOREThe supplier community is facing renewed pressure as Foran works to bring Walmart “back to its roots.” Back to basics may be a good thing, but it is certainly putting pressure on...