Learn how to create, run and retrieve 10 valuable Retail Link® reports, including the E-Commerce Business Report.
You’ll be instructed by an expert in DSS, assuring your mastery of it. Then you’ll create reports under the guidance of that expert, preparing you fully for this work.
Learn how to build queries from start to finish, then explore different versions of the same data to give you a fuller, richer understanding of your product’s performance in Walmart Canada. This Retail Link® training – which gives you hands-on practice with an expert – provides a solid base on which to grow your product sales both in stores and online.
All 8th & Walton classes for Walmart suppliers selling in Canada are taught by Heather Reid of Mississauga, Ontario. For 22 years, Reid worked at Walmart Canada, organizing and facilitating its Retail Link® course of study and other training programs. She has taught over 2,000 suppliers.
Who should take this Retail Link® class?
Analysts, those who build DSS reports or analyze Retail Link® data for Canadian suppliers; those who wish to learn the correct DSS processes; those who want to create DSS reports more quickly.
You Will Learn
How to use Retail Link® Decision Support – New
- Homepage review
- Important and frequently used templates
- How to select the data that will be shown in a report
- Why the order of column selection is important
- DSS shortcut to math calculations
- How to make a report specific to your needs
- How to develop a report specific to a store, warehouse or trait
- How to work with time frames on queries
How to create and retrieve 12 valuable reports:
- Sales by Item
- PO Tracking
- 104 Week Sales
- Current Instock & Pipeline (using a calculator)
- Stores Out & Nothing in Pipeline (using a calculator)
- Weekly Demand Forecast
- Demand Forecast by Store
- Markdown Event
- 13 Week Sales
- Sales Year Over Year
- Return to Sales Comparison
- E-Commerce Business Performance
How to set up and use Custom Groups
Registration closes at 3 P.M. Eastern Time on the last business day prior to the class. Please use your supplier email address to register.
Meet Your Teacher
Heather Reid worked for Walmart Canada for 22 years prior to joining Canada’s 8th & Walton in 2016. While at Walmart, she organized and facilitated its Retail Link® and various system-training programs for both internal and external Walmart customers. She also facilitated a four-day supplier training session on a bi-weekly basis, teaching over 2,000 suppliers. She has a vast knowledge of Replenishment (GRS) and is an expert in Retail Link®, Scintilla, and in Accounting for both Walmart Canada and Walmart US. In addition to her deep knowledge of retail systems, Heather is an extraordinary teacher. She holds a diploma in Human Resources, Marketing, and Accounting and has held the Canadian Human Resource Leader (CHRL) designation.
Requirements and Notes
- Each student must register; one participant per registration.
- Each student must use his/her camera throughout class.
- You must have authorized access to Retail Link®.
- You must have a Retail Link® ID and password.
- Please have Excel ready to use.
- NOTE FOR NEW WALMART SUPPLIERS: In order to produce valid reports, your company should be shipping to Walmart prior to taking this class. Since our classes do not use dummy data, if you are not shipping to Walmart, you will have no data with which to produce reports.
- Prior to class, you will be sent a Supplement with information pertinent to your class.
- Within three days after your class, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in your email. Many suppliers post this on LinkedIn because it keeps a profile fresh and exciting as well as up-to-date.
- 8th & Walton classes and seminars are exclusively for Walmart suppliers; only a supplier who works directly with Walmart may register.
- With its goal of improving content and presentation, 8th & Walton records each class. This is used strictly for its own edification and then only on an as needed basis. The recordings are not shared outside 8th & Walton. 8th & Walton always treats the privacy of its students, any comments students may make during class, and Walmart’s proprietary information with utmost respect.
- Students are not allowed to record using a note-taker. 8th & Walton values the privacy of its students and adheres to confidentiality always. We also honor proprietary information from Walmart. Furthermore, class materials are written and copyrighted by 8th & Walton, and recording them is an infringement of copyright laws.
- 8th & Walton, LLC, Bentonville, AR is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Walmart or its affiliates. All references to Walmart, as well as its affiliates, trademarks, and brands, are not intended to imply that 8th & Walton LLC is a Walmart vehicle for advertising or any other commercial purposes. Retail Link® and Scintilla™ are registered trademarks of Walmart.
Enroll Today!
$650 USD
I liked the ability to build reports that would be useful to me. We were given enough time to experiment with the reports and add things that we needed. The format of the training also allowed me to ask questions about topics that we discussed and was explained why somethings could not be done or why they were the way they were. Heather is a 10/10 - Very knowledgeable, responsive and able to use her extensive background to provide context for why Walmart may want to see certain things.
- Anthony - 8/5/23 Category Advisor
I should have taken this training years ago; the recipes were a solid way to learn quickly and to keep on hand for future use. I got much more out of the course than I anticipated, which is great. Heather was amazing. 10 on 10. She kept the momentum going fast and answered all our questions. Well done!
- Christian - 3-1-23 National Sales Manager
Definitively 10/10! Outstanding didactics from Heather. I’ve learned a lot of useful information.
- Rodrigo - 2-1-23 Student